Tuesday 4 November 2014

I hate Udaipur Airport!

As I've already mentioned in the heading I hate, hate, HATE the airport in Udaipur, which is exactly why it's taken me so long to write about it. I had to leave unexpectedly and booked a last minute flight out of that godforsaken airport. I left the guest house bags packed neatly (I have OCD) and trundled in a shaky Tuk Tuk (auto rickshaw) on a road which shouldn't be called a road! Those woes aside, the skies open up and decides to pour down buckets on us poor travelers. As I was tearing up a little at the thought of leaving Udaipur so soon, without even completing the things on my itinerary, the melodramatic me decided to take the rains as a sign of the city crying at my departure. (I told you I was melodramatic). What with all this, I managed to reach Maharana Pratap Airport with my bones rattled and a growling tummy, but still in one piece. Little did I know that my troubles were just beginning.

At the check-in counter this heartless Airline official coolly informs me that my baggage is overweight! Not by any small amount, 5 kilos overweight and also puts in saying I have to pay an extra 6000 Rs/. I spat back saying I wouldn't. He then asks me to discard a bit to make it lighter, which I then proceeded to do. I looked like a crazy old bat with my luggage gaping like someone's guts spilled over! You can imagine how my OCD self reacted. Removed a few non-essentials and he says still 3 kilos overweight, and then says wait at the end of the check-in line and he'll think up something. Finally after ages, he informs me I can carry some of my stuff as hand luggage....in wait for it...Polythene bags! Desperate as I was, I did just that! I ran around Udaipur Airport with my luggage gaping open for anyone to peek in and stuffed in polythene bags like an uncivilized idiot. Lord, I looked like a Kabadiwallah about to catch a flight! Hilarious for others, torturous for me. The dumass official said the flight was full, which was why I resembled a Kabadiwallah. Finally managed to stow all my crap in and dumped myself in my seat (thankfully that idiot saw fit to give me one next to the window). As the flight prepared for take-off I realised the flight was not "full" as that lyching, cheating, no-good airline official had told me earlier! As if that wasn't traumatic enough. I had to repeat the whole procedure in Mumbai airport too (note that I didn't say I hate Mumbai airport...am in love with that place. If I was allowed, which sadly I know I won't be, I would dance all around the runway. It is sooo beautiful, right out of my fairy-tale dreams...Wait! do they allow weddings on runways, that'd be awesome! Note to self: check up on 'runway weddings'.). And to top it all, I made the Bangalore flight wait. 

But sometimes the troubles you face are totally worth it. I sat next to this amazing person on the Udaipur flight, Cyrus Ilavia your words will always stay with me, they were educational and inspiring. On the Bangalore flight I or rather she chose to sit next to me and then on me...She was 4 and beautiful and entertaining. 

She's cute isn't she? And a drama queen like me :)
What more could one ask for! I know...kinder, decent airline officials who aren't liars and increased weight on the baggage limit. I mean 15 kilos is like peanuts...why would you do that to us? You can't even shop for anything with that limit, you dumbshit!

Love from a very harassed,

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