Saturday 12 July 2014

Fun in the Sun: Good times in Udaipur

Hi all,

Please don't say Oh Lord! she's back!...I've been in Udaipur for the past few weeks. And it's not like my trip to Jodhpur earlier for my friends wedding. I am here as part of a fellowship. Yes! I am not unintelligent as I had assumed. Or were the fellowship people looking for wacky, not right in the head kinda people? Ok don't answer that!

Well, it all started with a very funny interview. After which I was very sure I wouldn't get into the damn fellowship. Damn! those people can ask questions! And you will leave with your bubble burst. It felt like they asked the same question a million different ways...even when I told them very explicitly that I had no answer to their questions. And your private life which you want to stay that way...will NOT stay that way! He asked me if I was in a relationship! For Gods sake, who does that? I wasn't cowed, just lost all hopes on the interview and ricocheted back...How does my being in a relationship affect your fellowship? what does it have to do with your fellowship? Ha! sometimes you need to throw these buggers on their patooties! The man had no answer and I was satisfied with my pettyishness. Anyway I left Koramangala saying it was a stupid waste of time, but I did have fun. And as fate would have it (or rather the fellowship people were unintelligent) I received an email saying I was accepted into the fellowship (Proof of my intelligence!). Well, they do say some things turn up unexpected in life.

After much wheedling and persuasion, ranting and raving (both mum and I participated), begging and howling, throwing shitty tantrums and making puppy eyes at my folks agreed to send me! (mind you, mum tried to stop me at the airport too).  Flight change in Delhi was a traumatic experience...even with the air-conditioning on the terminal was like an oven (in all this imagine me running around like a duck with two bags in hand!). Next part...AMAZING...I flew business class to Udaipur! ooh nice! Landed in Udaipur and waited and waited and read a very boring current affairs book! (Yup...I finished and understood it!). Finally hitched a ride with a friend to Krish Vigyan Kendra (KVK)...this was where we fellows spent our carefree training days. First look...slightly disappointed, but manageable. After all I was back in the same place as Dad after forty years! Next, met fellows and decided to roam around the city doing some sight-seeing. I went to city palace. For those of you who don't know me...I love anything historical, and I would give my right arm (not really...metaphorically used, please note) to be part of princely India. I hopped, skipped and danced all around the palace...forced others with better cameras to take pictures of very beautiful me! (I am conceited with it!) And then had a very disgusting lunch I'd rather forget but don't have the good fortune to have selective amnesia! Shopped, shopped and shopped some more. Saw two beautiful lakes, went boating in one (I curse the others who didn't want to go boating in Lake Picchola! But then I got to go it's alright). Went to a temple and struck up a conversation with some random old lady...she was nice though! And finally at 8:30 P.M went back to KVK to meet the rest of the gang. And that was just the 1st day.

Shraddha and I were fascinated with the fancy washrooms in The Lake Picchola Hotel :)
A Rolls-Royce Phantom II, who can resist that, especially if Roger Moore drove around town in it!
Bhargav Mistry with the Sarode at Hulchul cafe
Hulchul Cafe at Shikshantar
The drum circle in Hulchul cafe...the frenzied pace of the music and the beats pulse in your blood
Shraddha and I spending a lazy sunday afternoon on Gangaur Ghat
Now I wish I could've done that...though I hate those who treat the pristine waters as a bathhouse, it was fun to watch the kids cool off in the heat
Silk Bound Books
Normally I am not the sort who would eat Gulab Jamun, But this one Sweet Stall in Old town got me hooked...anyone would drool at the sight of the steaming Gulab Jamun
Fascinated as I was with this doll house like structure, I wonder how the residents manage in such cramped quarters...I'd get claustrophobic.
Lights on at Lake Pichhola...looks like it's out of a fairytale
When I ran around the City palace and Lake Picchola waving my arms and screaming 'Bats in my hair!' Gawd, emabarassing!

Now am more like a localite, I sit at Gangaur Ghat waiting for the sunset and the palace lights to come on and the bats (how can I forget them!) to fly haphazardly in every direction. I eat malai ghevar at Jodhpur mishtan bhandar, dal baati choorma at Santosh Bhojanalaya and sit in the seedy FC Restaurant with amazing views but horrible food! We even walked 12kms in the middle of the night to get back to KVK...all thanks to Guruji Rahul Nainwal, who told us it was only 5 or 6kms at most! My feet were torn, I was sleep deprived (as was Lucky for 4 days and wanted to sleep on the footpath!) and it was 4 in the morning, but I was in great spirits! By the way the Guruji left Udaipur without treating me to the margarita that he owed me! Next time I drag him to Ambrai! (Evil genius me!) Early morning dips in Badi lake, where one particular fellow tested the water displacement theory and almost emptied the damn lake! (what the hell was he thinking? that he was as light as Gai?) Trek to Nimaj mata temple where I got 'Prashad' (Cow dung) on my clothes! (Mom, I felt like Cheppudira Raju uncle!) Got freaked by some stoner dude, almost got gored by some stampeding cow, ate loads and loads of kulfi (coming back from lunch, I would almost look like a dog with it's tongue hanging out). Met my margarita sis, Pooja Warrier! Designed a funky sleeping bag and got an awfully designed dress in return! Shopped on the roadsides for clothes and anklets. Ate street food! Basically did everything I normally wouldn't dream of doing. It was a good few days of fun and sun (more sun though!). Made some wonderful friends for life! Lots more to do still...have to check out the vintage car collection, some restaurant called savage garden, Kumbalgarh, Chittorgarh, Sajjangarh, the lake palaces and Udaivilas Palace, Nathdwara, shikshantar's hulchul cafe, Jodhpur (again, am in love with this place) much to do in so little time!

All this while I had only one prayer, please rain a little bit, it's way too sunny for someone from Coorg! And after days and days the rain gods have obliged. But dear rain gods, I asked for little rain not enough to build a dam! Cool down a little dudes! We'll take it slow...a little rain per day is not much to ask is it (preferably in the nights). Ok.

Now if you're looking for a recipe, I haven't got one. I am here for a fellowship, not recipe testing! But I will be good and post an easy recipe sometime. Until then, you just have to listen to my adventures in Udaipur or wherever I happen to go.


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