Tuesday 27 August 2013

In loving memory of my Rusty

On 6th August 2013, my best buddy our wonderful dachshund doggie passed away. We were all heartbroken, coz he'd been with us since October 2002. He was the most amazing dog ever and will be sorely missed.

Here are few things about my doggie I want you all to know (even if you don't want to know I am telling).
1. Rusty loved flowers (yup, he truly did) especially hibiscus (mostly red or orange colored ones, but he was fine with all colors as long as they were hibiscus). Every morning my Dad cleans the Prayer room and throws out the flowers, Rusty was ready for just this and moment he chucks the flowers, he'd start eating the stamens ( I don't know why...I guess he loved the taste).
2. Rusty was so scared of our other dog Roxy (I call her rakshashi or demon dog, coz she acts like one), he'd always leave a part of his meal for her or else that demon dog'd try to kill him.
3. He never ever ever left the house like the other dogs did, he'd just stay in front of the porch and not leave until my Dad put him back in his kennel.
4. For all the fear of Roxy, he never shared his biscuits like he shared his meal...and she knew not to mess with him for that biscuit.
5. Rusty loved coconuts, he'd keep the hard shell with him for days and keep digging into it until even the smell of the coconut is gone. Actually he ate most fruits...coconuts (especially tender coconut), avocado, jackfruit and even mangoes.
6. For some reason Rusty hated our Ganesh Bhatta ( the brahmin who comes to our temple for puja). Every Monday morning he'd refuse to get back in the kennel and when Ganesh Bhatta came inside he'd chase him all over the place.
7. This one time when my Dad had just come back a few months after his surgery he was alone at home and went upstairs to check the doors and windows. Rusty and Jojo (the dog we had before Roxy) searched all over and when they didn't find him climbed up the stairs to find him (Rusty never climbed stairs, being a dachshund he couldn't). Such was his loyalty and love towards our family.
8..And lastly, whatever I baked Rusty always got a share of it. He'd eat me up if hadn't given him a piece.

He was such a love, that li'l dog...so loyal and loving. We will all miss him, even that Roxy. She searched for 2 days and kept whining all the while (so much for bullying him all the while!).

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