Saturday 19 January 2013

Ringing in the new year...a little too late!!!

It's 2013 already, and I still haven't finished all those things that I started in 2012 and vowed to finish. I think the days went by too fast!!! So, I've decided to get my mum to help with the stitch kits and knitting (It's amazing what she can do with a few hours and a needle and some thread). Now that I have a little bit of free time on my hands, I can concentrate more on this year's resolution, which is to not ignore my blog anymore. I promise to post something at least once a month.

The past few days have been hectic with a lot of functions to attend. I was busy cooking for these. For a cousin's wedding I made some Fig Sauce for dessert. It was polished off so fast, I just got a teeny taste of it. Oh, and lot's of compliments too from all the relatives, which of course made me very happy. Now, I do not have a recipe for this as I did not make notes while cooking. I know what you'll say...LAZY!!! But seriously, I was actually harried, as I had to make this in bulk. Then there was another cousin's engagement I baked the cake for them to cut.
White velvet cake with vanilla buttercream...this is the half finished cake, I added some more decorations after I took this picture
I followed Rose Levy Beranbaum's recipe and made some changes to it. I used vanilla buttercream to ice the cake, with the left over icing I piped some rosettes all around. The cake stand ( I it found in Bangalore a few months ago and I am so in love with it) my Dad n I decorated it with some of the flowers from my mum's garden (mom wasn't I went about cutting flowers in her garden).

I baked a double colored cake for some kids at a neighbor's place, said neighbor had dislocated his arm and my Dad wanted to pay him visit. Here's a picture of that cake.
This is the cake before it went into the oven.
I know, looked prettier before it went into the oven, but it makes up for that with the taste.
I will put up the recipe for this later, as there are some changes that I need to make. And then there's the brownies I made for my cousins's engagement. I am really sorry I don't have a picture. We ate them all. They were soooo gooood! Recipe in my next post, I promise.
Overall it's been a good few days, guess I can't complain. Until next time....Cheers! and Happy Baking!!!

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