Wednesday 11 June 2014

Bitten by the Blondie bug!

Have you ever seen something on a TV show and decided on the spot that it was the best thing ever a person could think of, and you want to just grab it from the stupid person hosting the show and greedily eat it all up? This happens to me on a very regular basis. And it is also what happened when for the first time I saw someone making Blondies on a cookery show. I decide right then and there I had to taste it, and to taste I had to bake some blondies. Granted, it took a few (or rather more than a few) years till I actually made them. I ran around for a few years baking everything else but blondies. But all the time, blondies managed to stay in the back of my mind. And finally, one fine day, the day that chocoholics dread happened...I ran out of cocoa powder and chocolate! Imagine my horror! But no worries, the blondies that were consigned to the back of my mind came to the rescue...And so the blondie came to be a hot favorite and also found a permanent place among my treasured recipe books. Here's a picture...
don't they look nice...ok ignore the not so well cut piece...ok fine I might have nibbled on it
It seems these days everybody's baking blondies. And you can find any number of versions you want online. So it happened, that like everyone else I too was bitten by the blondie bug! ( don't go thinking of blondies and bugs together...that's just plain gross!) Now, don't get me wrong...just because I am prosing on and on about blondies, it doesn't mean I love them more than brownies. Brownies are my all time favorite, as you might have noticed from the recipes I've put up earlier.

 Ok, now for the simple words, a blondie (if you can't tell by it's name) is a brownie without the chocolate. As nice as blondies are, they are no match to a chocolatey, gooey, fudgy brownie. I think blondies were made by a Choco-hater (do those things actually exist???). Or the person who made them first, must have run out of chocolate (like me). Any way, the history really doesn't matter to me, as long as it tastes good.
I love chocolate vermicelli 
Enough chit-chat, and off to the recipe we go. I am not sure where exactly I got this recipe from, but whoever came up with's a tight hug and a big thank you for an amazing blondie!

White Chocolate Blondies

1/2 cup Unsalted butter
5 oz. (142.5 gm) White chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup granulated white sugar
1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
2 large eggs
11/2 tsp Vanilla extract
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup chocolate vermicelli (sprinkles)
1/4 cup swirled chocolate chips (picture below for reference) You can use normal chocolate chips if you can't find these.
I found these at a specialty store
Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Grease an 8 inch (20 cm) square pan and line it with aluminum foil.
Melt butter in a small saucepan, add the white chocolate to the hot melted butter and stir till all the chocolate has melted and is smooth. Alternatively, put the chocolate and the butter in the microwave and melt in short bursts till smooth.
Stir in the sugars into this chocolatey mixture. Next, whisk in the eggs and vanilla extract until the mixture is smooth.
Sieve the dry ingredients together and fold into the sugary chocolate mixture until almost incorporated, then tip in the chocolate chips and half of the chocolate vermicelli (reserve the other half to sprinkle on top of the batter). Fold in gently, but do not over-mix.
Pour the batter into the prepared tin and scatter the rest of the sprinkles on the top and bake for about 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.
Remove the blondies from the oven and allow to cool in the tin for 15 minutes before turning out of the tin and cutting into neat squares.
Serve warm or cold, with a cup of coffee. Perfect!
Can be stored in an air-tight container for upto 3 days or frozen upto 6 months (if it lasts so long).

Well, that's all for now...until next time,
Happy Baking!!!

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